
Saturday, December 31, 2011

A preparation of camel milk and urine, can end cancer

A group of scientists discovered a way to fight against cancer based on camel milk and urine, which was already tested successfully in mice and its application is now expected in humans, revealed Alnadzhar A. Abdullah, chairman of the Science Fund Arabic and Technology, quoted in The Times of India.

The experiment conducted by experts from Sharjah University and the Cancer Institute in Baghdad, revealed a striking feature of the immune system of the camel, enjoying a "rejuvenation" whenever evidence scientists take their milk and urine.

The mix received, experts led by the Arab Dzhasema Sabah Biotechnology Company, cure leukemia and is able to overcome other types of cancer diseases.

The scientists said that all the sick animals laboratory, were cured in 100% of cases.

The revolutionary prepared them was introduced six months ago and are yet alive and active, like other healthy mice.

Apparently, the preparation contains molecules that attack the joints poisonous to cancer cells without causing side effects.

The mixture was already registered in the British patent department.

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