

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

A Massage is Just the Right Touch for Cancer Patients

The touch of a human hand can heal. 

Science supports it, and anyone who has ever been soothed by the touch of another knows it.

Now, cancer specialists are taking a fresh look at the way a healing massage can benefit cancer sufferers. 

A massage can soothe and relax a patient as they endure rigorous treatments and the stress of coping daily with a daunting prognosis such as breast cancer, ovarian, mesothelioma or even leukemia.  

Balancing Stress

The relaxation that is brought on by a tissue massage has effects that are far reaching. 

Not only do they alleviate tension in muscles, but also they bring on a soothing, peaceful cognitive state in the person experiencing the massage. 

For a cancer patient suffering with a hectic schedule of treatments on top of their already-stressful daily life, massage therapy can be an essential time of designated self-concentration.

The power of setting aside time for oneself to foster one's own wellbeing is crucial in healing mind and body. 

Feeling rested and relaxed can help a patient tackle the difficulty of cancer treatment. 

Let’s face, it a little pampering can go a long way when you are in the midst of a health crisis. 

Revving up Your Muscles

If a patient has spent a lot of time homebound and off their feet, getting their muscles worked can be extremely beneficial. 

Opening up the circulation in tissue and muscles that are not often used can help to stimulate them and reduce aches and pains associated with a prolonged dormant lifestyle. 

When the patient is ready to get back on their feet, soothing massages can help to ease the process.

The Body-Brain Connection

It’s impossible to think yourself healthy. 

But your frame of mind can play a big role in having the strength and energy to give your all to recovery. 

Spending dedicated time focused on your personal comfort can do wonders for your mental state and a feeling preparedness in taking on the challenges in your life.

Health experts agree that human touch can bring about wonderful results. Newborn babies thrive on human touch. 

Human touch stimulates brain activity and promotes health. 

The United Sates Department of Human Health and Services webpage sites a study done by Jean Kutner at of the University of Colorado School of Medicine in which massage therapy conducted on cancer patient yielded positive results.

In regards to massage therapy, quoting doctor Kutners conclusion, “When we compared it to just a simple touch, it gave people some relief of pain and some improvement of mood – at least, immediately after the massage therapy session.’’ 

Get Connected with Healing Hands

If you think that a healing massage may be a good choice for you, there are a few options. 

Ask your doctor if he or she can refer you to a trained, license massage therapist. 

There are also plenty of reputable masseuses that you can find on your own. 

Some massage therapists will even visit you right at your home.

If visiting a professional massage therapist is simply out of the question due to finances or time issues, you can also have a loved one, spouse, or close friend help you out. 

They can review techniques online and give you a simple, de-stressing massage. 

Consult your doctor and make sure therapy is right for and your treatment and experience all the benefits massage therapy has to offer!

Author : Melanie Bowen

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