

Thursday, August 23, 2012

The violet color acts curatively on cancer

That is why man must have violet colored objects in his room.

For example, you can wear a purple scarf, purple scarves, clothes and ornaments violets have curtains, linens and other objects in her room purple, etc ...

It is also advisable to paint the walls purple where the patient sleeps.

This acts calming, balancing, healing and beneficially on it. 

The meditations on the violet flame also help a lot.

Are as follows : the patient can imagine surrounded by violet flame, and how it penetrates every cell, cleansing and transforming all cancer cells within it.

It is good that this meditation is done daily at least three times a day for 5 to 15 minutes, once in the morning after waking, again at noon and again at night before bed.

The violet flame has the power to purify, dissolve and free from negative energies that have accumulated in us and around us, and there appears soothe any pain.

She is the universal purifier of all internal and external negative energies.

It is good to be used in combination with thoughts and words good and positive of all kinds.

This flame is the flame of Mercy and Love Pure Divine.

Therefore, his power is great.

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