

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Dimethyl Sulfoxide helps cure cancer efficiently

There are, in general, three ways to remove cancer from the body :

By killing the cancer host cells themselves en masse. 

This can be dangerous because of the flood of debris, lactic acid, aflotoxins and mycotoxins in the blood which can, due to a massive die-off, put such a huge and dangerous strain on the liver and kidneys. 

This method does not necessarily kill the cancer causing pathogen which may simply go into hiding only to appear again after remission.

By forcing the cancer-causing pathogen to go into hibernation(hiding) or to cause the organism to change into another organism(by pleomorphism) which is no longer a dangerous parasite because of a change in metabolic body state. 

A change in metabolic body state therefore forces the organism to adapt itself and change into a more friendly non-parasitic, non-destructive organism in other words.

By directly killing the microbes that cause cell cancer and flooding the cancer cells with oxygen and converting the cancer cells back to normal cells.

Ted from Bangkok's method seems to use the method of killing the cancer host cells to stop cancer. 

Dmso, on its own, tends to revert the cancer cells back to normal cells whereas Vitamin C/Lysine appears to kill both the cancer-causing pathogen and can also kill host cancer cells outright. 

His remedy uses Dmso(Dimethyl Sulfoxide), Vitamin C, Lysine(amino acid), Green Tea powder and N-Acetyl L-Cysteine as the major ingredients.

Dmso is a top ranking anti-oxidant which has a keen affinity for particularly collecting inside tumors, so it has a unique and direct delivery method for stopping cancers. 

Dmso also has another unique characteristic, it can easily penetrate the skin and cell tissue and carry beneficial cancer-fighting nutrients into the cancerous cells themselves. 

Another major benefit Dmso, used topically, completely stops the cancer pain within a few days by completely neutralizing the lactic acid and removing excess intracellular sodium and calcium produced in the cancer cells. 

Dmso can also easily penetrate the blood/bone or blood/brain barrier.

1 comment:

  1. Very useful! I've never heard of such treatments so far. And now that I have found your article, I would go and find some great proofs and make another article about it. Nice, my alternative cancer treatment center have enjoyed this.
