
Sunday, September 4, 2011

Cancer treatment by means of Aloe Vera

Cancer can be cured, at least in many cases.

So it has been shown many times in many places, in different nations, with surprising cures.

This is a treatment that offers a Brazilian Franciscan friar.

It's so simple it may seem almost ridiculous, however, has been upheld many times in fact.

No one would pay the slightest faith in the proposition of such treatment, except for the undeniability so many facts.

As has been spreading his knowledge and the evidence of its effectiveness are quite a few doctors, some of them specifically dedicated to the cure for cancer, who have an interest in him.

After finding success also interested in study and understand better.

Will this treatment cure all kinds of cancer? It is not known. 

What types of cancer cure that?

It is not known. We only know that there have been healings of many kinds of cancer: skin cancer, throat, breast, uterine, prostate, brain, liver, intestine, leukemia, etc.. Even in people with diabetes.

Is it a definitive cure?

In many cases the cure of cancer has been definitive.

Sometimes the cancer, after being cured, has come back again.

You can repeat the treatment again effectively.

When not yet have cancer treatment can prevent or avoid for a year. 

This treatment can always be done at any stage of cancer.

Of course it is better if treatment is started early.

But even if the cancer is old and even when it seems hopeless in the eyes of all, many times the treatment has worked.
This treatment can be done simultaneously with any other cure for cancer, such as chemotherapy, does not hinder the effectiveness of other cure.

Medical Control

Very important : finding whether this treatment has cured or not the cancer can not be determined by mere subjective impressions.

It requires an objective knowledge, which can only be obtained through medical tests.

So you have to use them both before starting treatment (to find out how much cancer is) and after starting treatment once (to see if the cancer progresses further, or has already stabilized or decreased, or stopped exist).

Only the results of these controls can determine with certainty the stage of cancer and the feelings of improvement may feel sick.

Indeed it is common for this treatment occurs early in the patient a certain feeling of wellbeing and improvement.

But these symptoms do not constitute any indication that the cancer is really cured. It is dangerous, as being guided by those feelings.

Treatment involves making a syrup is made from the plant called <>. Their leaves are tough and thorny edges.

Its interior is slimy contents.

It tastes very bitter.

Its Spanish name is aloe vera, vera atzavara in Catalan and Portuguese erva slug.

It grows in very dry regions.

The syrup is made with the following item:

Preparation :

Two large sheets (or more or less small) of the plant, which are neither too old nor too young (total weight about 300 grams).

After washing (to remove dust), removing the thorns from the edge and trim their edges slightly.

Half a kilo of honey.

Seven or eight tablespoons of brandy or whiskey (in other recipes are given only 3 or 4 tablespoons.

Skip all for a mixer for a minute or two.

It will be a sort of creamy drink.

Its flavor is slightly strange, but tastes bad.

The syrup formed by the indicated amounts of these elements constitutes a treatment unit.


Before taking it to shake the bottle (to mix well the various components).

Take a spoonful of the syrup three times a day: morning, noon and dinner from fifteen minutes to half an hour before taking any food.

The amount of the preparations indicated can last about ten days.

Do not stop taking the treatment unit until its total consumption (although it seems that there are signs of improvement).

Duration of the treatment :

Previously noted the importance of medical checks.

Ideally, though for various reasons not always possible, it would make a first analysis of how cancer has before starting treatment, and another test after each treatment unit that is about two weeks.

After each treatment unit, fit five hypotheses:

1) Cancer keeps growing: there is still no sign of healing.

Take another treatment unit.

2) After taking two units of treatment, the cancer is growing. Doubling the dose.

So. Take the syrup as before, morning, noon and dinner but this time, two tablespoons in one. And once again, if necessary, until the cancer stops growing.

3) Cancer is no longer growing, it has stopped: a good sign. Take a new treatment unit normal.

That is, if they had doubled the dose before re-taking one teaspoon morning, noon and dinner.

4) reduces cancer: very good sign. Make a new treatment for ten days, and repeat if necessary until it disappears altogether.

5) Cancer has disappeared.

They are very common cases where one unit was sufficient treatment for cancer has been removed.

Then you can do two things: either permanently cease treatment, or take still a new treatment unit, as prevention for at least one year as stated.

But unfortunately you can not always get them to do to all those controls of a cancer in the ideal times to just indicated, just before the start of treatment and after the making of each treatment unit.

Then there is no other choice but to wait and adapt to the rhythms of control that doctors provide.

As these controls can only say with certainty the degree of healing achieved, will have to be yourself you have to repeat the treatment, according to the degree of cancer detected by the available controls.

When taken several treatment units between taking a drive and the following must always keep an interval of seven days, because the plant is somewhat toxic.

These interruptions, making repeated this treatment never do harm.

For this reason, where you can not have medical checks in ideal conditions, not in any danger with repetition of treatment even if it was not longer necessary, because as stated above, there is nothing to fear retreatment is indicated with the weekly uninterrupted.

Note :

It is recommended as much as possible refrain from eating meat during treatment.

Eat more vegetables and fruit.

Taking meat may slow the effect of treatment but, anyway, the treatment would ultimately prevail.

Finally, as stated above, you can take one unit of treatment even if they do not have any symptoms of cancer, as a simple prevention.

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