

Friday, August 19, 2011

Music therapy relieves cancer patients

According to a new study, listening to music can relieve anxiety in patients with cancer and may also have positive effects on mood, pain and quality of life.

However, the methodical Cochrane review of 1,891 cancer patients, researchers established focus on the 30 trials with cancer patients, who came to power in music or music therapy sessions.

After analyzing these trials, concluded that these 30 trials, 13 showed therapists use the melody while the rest enjoyed in 17 patients pre recorded music.

Meanwhile, these results show that compared with traditional treatments, music therapy certainly significantly reduces the anxiety on the basis of the clinical score nervousness.

Meanwhile, investigators also testified that music can increase the superiority of life of patients.

On the other hand, speaking of the new therapy, Joke Bradt, principal investigator of Creative Arts Therapies Department at Drexel University in Philadelphia, citing that he always believed in the fact that, with the support of their loved ones, the magnificence of music reduces the risk of cancer.

He added: "The music interventions by trained music therapists, as well as listening to recorded music both have shown positive results in this review, but currently there is insufficient evidence to determine whether an intervention is more effective than the other."

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