

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Gerson Therapy

Gerson Therapy is proven to work.

There are scientific documentary that strongly supports how cancer and other diseases can be cured.

Gerson therapy was founded by Max Gerson, M.D. who was born in Germany in 1881.

His initial experimentation with dietary therapy to cure his headaches developed further into healing skin tuberculosis, type II diabetes, heart disease, kidney failure, and finally cancer.

He became good friends with Nobel prize winner Albert Schweizer, M.D. by curing his wife from lung tuberculosis after all conventional treatments had failed.

In 1938. Dr. Gerson passed his board and was licensed to practice in the state of New York.

For twenty years, he treated hundreds of terminally ill cancer patients who were left to die after their conventional treatment failed.

In 1946, Gerson demonstrated recovered patients before the Pepper-Neely Congressional Subcommitte, during hearings on a bill to fund research into cancer treatment.

Although few peer reviewed journals were receptive to Gerson's then "radical" idea that diet could effect health, he continued to publish articles on his therapy and case histories of healed patients.

He has achieved more than seemed possible under adverse conditions.

After his death in 1959, his daughter Charlotte continues to carry her father's mission to heal and treat people with the power of healthy diet.

The Gerson Way

Gerson Therapy is a safe and proven natural treatment, consisting of eating healthy organic foods, juicing, coffee enemas, detoxification and natural supplements to activate the body's ability to heal itself.

Over the 60 years, thousands of people used it to recover from "incurable" diseases such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease and arthritis.

It is very important to follow the diet and daily plan to achieve the goal.

I was very happy to watch this documentary video taken by Stephen Krosochel who has been Awarded Honorable Mention in the Feature-Length Documentary Category 2006 New York International independent Film and Video Festival Filmmaker.

"Dying to Have Known" a great documentary film shows cancer survivors, biased doctors, supportive doctors, and evidence from around the world. I recommend everyone to watch it.

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